Hello from Shreya!

I am glad you visited this section to learn about ME. Let me try and answer a few questions that you may have in mind  


  • Who am I and what is my experience? – I’m Shreya and I’m close to completing my 11th year in this digital industry as a Performance Marketer. Like many marketers, I too stumbled into Digital Marketing accidentally and since then there has been no looking back. I have gained meaningful experience working on both the agency and brand side across diverse markets & industries. I am highly focused on full-funnel integrated marketing, user experience, acquisition & retention, and am one who strongly believes in the power of first-party data
  • What do I enjoy the most about Digital Marketing? – Data (especially clean & organized data)
  • What do I hate the most about this industry? – Hmm a couple of them actually:
  1. Marketers and stakeholders often fail to realize that they themselves are part of the target audience for some brands, and how customer experience is crucial in both online and offline journeys
  2. People in the marketing team working in silos. Very few have cracked the full-funnel approach 
  3. Ignored correlation between strategy, implementation & data
  • What’s my main objective? – To make marketing more logical & sustainable!
  • Now the most important question I believe – why should you hire me? – Having worked on both brand and agency side, I have a clear understanding of exactly where the gaps exist. While limitations are regularly brought up and discussed in meetings, the gaps go completely unidentified & unaddressed. As a Marketing Advisor, my aim is to help you solve both identified & unidentified issues related to full funnel (end-to-end) Digital Marketing from long term growth perspective following 100% unbiased and transparent approach
  • What’s my next plan apart from the services offered here? – I plan to acquire skills relevant enough to provide Digital Transformation-related services
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